Metal welding is risky a task and the people performing it are always at risk. Most of the manufacturing companies deal with welding and have a separate welding zone where restricted people are allowed to visit. In companies, generally, a huge area or hall is partitioned for the welding zone as it is riskier to conduct the process in a four-walled room. It is all about firework so the experts recommend performing the same in an open space.

Now the issue is how to protect the other visitors or the employees of the company from the harmful rays of the welding process. Intentionally or unintentionally, people tend to visit the location without knowing the danger and risk of the process. A four-walled room is not advised and neither people are advised in the zone so the best option is to use welding screens. With this, people standing far away can see the work without coming close.

Talking about the Welding Screen, they are not just transparent but come in different colours. The colours of the screen play a major role in the partition of the company so it advised using the right one.

The different colours of welding screens and their use are:

 Color 1#

Yellow- The companies that use low or medium amperage in welding widely use yellow colour for the welding screen. It suits the welding environment and makes the space more visible for the visitors and other employees.

Color 2#

Orange and red- These two colour options for the welding screen are very reflective. They reflect maximum light as compared to other welding screens so it is best suited for medium category amperage. It cannot survive a very high power welding procedure.

Color 3#

Blue- This is the lighter version of the dark colour that survives medium to high welding situations. Unlike, the colours mentioned above, this can stop UV rays and protect the eyes of the others. These are translucent.

Color 4#

Dark Green- It is the darkest version of the dark colour that stops the maximum UV rays. The dark green colour is widely used in companies where plasma cutting and laser welding is performed. This screen is completely opaque and there is no chance of visibility.

The function of the entire welding screen is almost the same but what makes the difference is the colour. The companies can never make the best use of the welding screen if the colour is not right.

Further, while purchasing the Welding Screen, the companies have to ensure that they associate with the right vendor. Some companies play with the quality and present fake products with the look of the original. The companies should know the selection measures and follow the same for the right purchase.