When doing certain tasks which have minor burning or major fire risks such as metal cutting or welding, it is highly important to use hi-end safety equipment in order to protect yourself as well as people around you. It is obvious that you would use gloves, screened helmet, but it is also essential to use welding screens or curtains.

Each welding worker should have all the safety equipment before starting any project so that he/she would rest assured keeping mind that appropriate safety precautions are taken.

Uses of Welding Curtains and Screens:

These screens and curtains are used to protect the people in the vicinity since the welders generally wear protective clothing including leather boots, jackets, gloves, etc which are enough for the welders to be on the safer side. These screens prevent other people from being harmed due to the arc of light that comes during welding. This UV light can be enough dangerous to make others temporarily or sometimes permanently blind. Even if surrounding workers don’t look at the UV light that is created by the welding torch, they may get flash burns on their skin. This is why the welding screen should be used in order to provide maximum protection to others.

The use of curtains is also mandatory as per the norms and regulations of certain organizations working for labors’ safety and health. Each company should follow such safety regulations, designed for the protection of all the workers in this industry. Though it is possible to use a simple tarp as a curtain it is highly recommended that you should choose top quality professional welding screen.

Benefits of Using These Screens:

Top Safety: Aforementioned, the core responsibility of these screens is to protect people who are present at the place where a welder is performing his job of welding metals.

• No Need to Worry about Liability: If you run a business where your workers perform a lot of welding work inside your workshop or factory, you can rest assured about their safety if you use welding screens. Simply because they would be safe and you wouldn’t need to worry about any liability issues.

• Peace of Mind: A welding professional with the help of these screens can work without being concerned about the safety of other people in the place. This way, the welder can stay focused to his job and provide the best results.

There are several offline as well as online stores offer a variety of equipment for the safety and protection of workers during their job. Welding screens and curtains are also available in such stores in a wide range. The curtains are generally made of vinyl in order to make them resistible to water, mildew, oil, and fire.

There are also some options to choose from different welding screen materials such as UV Tarps, Vinyl, PVC, Canvas, etc. Also, it is usually advised to purchase them from online suppliers to get top quality screens at reasonable costs.