PVC – Poly Vinyl Chloride is the third most highly produced plastic. Most of the worlds PVC is produced from Petro-chemical product called Ethylene. Plastic is widely used because they are stronger, durable, and resistant against chemicals and their flame retardant properties. Plastic can take hundreds of years to decompose and because of this there is much uproar against using plastic products as it’s considered to be detrimental to the global environment, but the truth is, the world as of today cannot manage without it.

In recent years plastic has found new areas of utilization and the most hated enemy has turned into a lovable friend. In fact, plastic has gained more importance in protecting the environment, maintaining cleaner and safer work zones. Surprising isn’t it? Plastic(PVC) the final product is usually rigid and stronger, but its physical properties can be altered with agents like plasticizers that increase the elasticity, stabilizers that protect them from heat and UV rays, flame retardants and impact modifiers for durability.

PVC strip curtains are a kind of good quality plastic, which are in great demand in the recent days. In this, the plastic is made thin sheets and are generally found in at the doorways and helps a lot in reducing the effect of loss of temperature and protects the environment from other different kinds of pollutants.

Different kinds of PVC strips

There are different kinds of PVC strip curtains available in the market and they are:

Anti-static PVC curtain

This type of curtains is used to protect the components from the discharge of electrostatic charges. It helps in protecting the semiconductors from damages due to excessive flow of charges. There many manufacturers which produce this product and are in great demand in today’s market.

Cold storage PVC strips

These curtains help in controlling the loss of temperature from different cold areas like freezers. This helps in increasing the efficiency of by reducing the loss of energy. In India, this curtain finds its application in different areas of cold storage.

Welding PVC curtains

This type of curtains finds its application in the mechanical workshops, where the process of welding is done. This helps in protecting from the UV rays, sparks of welding. The different mechanical workshop is PVC strips curtain suppliers.

Transparent curtains

The main feature of this type of curtain is that it provides a great transparent effect, which is helpful in loading and unloading different things at different workplaces.
These are some of the important and famous PVC curtains manufactured in India in different industries and find great applications.

Applications of PVC curtains

PVC curtains find its application in the different field making a good market for the PVC strips curtain suppliers. The common discussion of today’s generation is about the ways to control energy crisis. In this part, PVC curtains play an important role in reducing the loss of energy. In many areas, it helps in reducing the loss of temperature, thus increasing the efficiency and reducing the energy loss indirectly.

Manufacturers of these types of curtains are in great demand and make a good business at the present scenario. These types of curtains are used in different areas like cold storage, traffic control system, mechanical workshops and many more.