If you’ve ever been to a hotel’s kitchen, any factory or warehouse, you’ve probably seen the PVC strip curtains I am going to discuss in this piece of writing. If you’re still unaware confused, then you must have seen them in various other places, for instance, in some restaurants, bar entrance, commercial places, and majorly in walk-in freezers where we get frozen food and meat in some grocery stores.

However, PVC strip curtains are widely used in a variety of places. They are actually utilized for some reasons and offer several benefits. Read throughout this blog and know how they can benefit your workplace or warehouse or any other commercial or industrial place.

The most common type Polar PVC strip curtain provides brilliant transparency. They can effectively stop the conditioned air loss, be it cold or warm air. They additionally stop the ultraviolet and dust to come inside the place where they are installed.

These strip curtains are also capable of reducing the dB value of noise, the spreading of it and noise pollution. If you use them as partition screen, they can actually divide the place into multifunctional compartments (operating field, waiting room, offices, coffee corner, etc), without consuming much space. They can be best used in places where space is limited as they are effectively utilized to improve productivity and the convenience and comfort in various places.

Following are the places they are majorly utilized in

  • Factories
  • Shipping plants
  • Food processing plants
  • Restaurants
  • Auto body shops
  • Grocery storage rooms


These strip curtains are available in the market in different colors like natural clear, blue, green, etc. You may also be able to find light or dark shades of these colors in the market. For better shine and sight line, natural clear PVC strip curtains are the top choice of many.


When it comes to purchasing them, style really matters and it depends on the application. You can get flat for economical application, however, if you want good durability single or double ribbed should be your choice. They are best for bakeries, hotel kitchens, and raw food or meat processing mills.


Light Duty

Light duty applications include food processing industries, internal partition, doorway separation where they can be used to bear with light pedestrian traffic or lightweight and fragile goods without letting the dust and wind inside.

Medium Duty

It includes industries where light forklift, pallet trolleys, and pedestrian’s traffic are partially frequent and the requirement of contamination exclusion is always a priority.

Heavy Duty

Heavy duty applications include indoor conditions where maintenance of environmental exclusion is highly required and fork life & pedestrian traffic is heavily continual. Here, the thickness of Polar PVC strip curtain is more than the standard.

I have been serving the food processing industry for years and I have always preferred these PVC curtains as they are efficiently great in all the aforementioned applications. In case you also plan to purchase some of these, I would advise you buy them online as the distributors on the internet are trusted to provide top quality curtains at reasonable costs.